
TASTY 西堤牛排

Today , I ate dinner with my family  at TASTY in Taichung
It has very more meals to select for customer,and servers are all very kind.
you can link 西堤牛排 TASTY   TO KNOW MORE 
so ,allow me to introduc it's menu .
Appetizer : 時蔬雙重驟 / 鮮蝦蘆筍..... I have not taken picture

Antipasto : 牛肉焗丹麥餅 ... it tasted just like pizza / 焗烤蘑菇+方塊麵包

Salad : 蘿美生菜沙拉 / 晶饌凍牛肉 ... I like this one  / 鮮蝦洋芋沙拉 / 時仙水果沙拉...only fruit→don't select it

Soup : 杏鮑菇南瓜濃湯...I should like to commend this one / 蘆筍濃湯 / 義式牛肉湯...I don't like it / 義式海鮮清湯...also don't like

Sorbet : 沙瓦 ...I feel it's too sour

Main : 法式烤雞...I recommend ordering / 義式鮮烤牛排 / 西西里海陸雙拼 / 法式鴉胸...I recommend ordering / TASTY酥烤牛排 / 魚是 香牛排 / 酒釀豬棒腿...no eat / 芥末子魚排...no eat

Dessert : 法式烤布蕾 / 巧克力袋冰淇淋 / 巧克力千層 / 香榭奶酪...I recommend ordering

Drinks : I forgot its name ....but  I  felt this two drinks tasted only ok



This toy is made by BANDAI . also it's one story of Gundam's series
and it's very popular in Asia, you even can see it's products in every toy story.

now you can see the real toy and my drawing.


Karl Urban

I quite like this man , I feel he is very cool.
and I have seen his fighting movies , very stimulation.

but this time I attach his picture, because I painted unlike to him......
like Hong Kong actor 徐錦江... I think so...
